big brother getting a backpack with a stuffed bunny as a gift from new baby sibling
Gift Ideas Second Baby Siblings

Best Big Brother or Big Sister Gift Ideas from a New Baby Sibling

By Emily Ramirez
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Welcoming a new baby is a big transition for everybody, including (or especially) the newly designated older child. Many families find big sibling gifts are a way to help ease that transition and help celebrate their new roles as big brothers and sisters.

From toys that help teach them about caring for a newborn, to activities that keep them busy,  and keepsakes commemorating the special occasion, here are some great gift ideas for you (or the new baby) to give to older siblings to help jumpstart that special bond.

pink personalized backpack for child

Personalized Backpack

Minted makes these beautiful personalized backpacks that you can fill with snacks, coloring books, puzzles, a big sibling book, and other quiet activities to create a fun 'Big Bro' or 'Big Sis' bag. You could even present it to them in the hospital when they meet the baby for the first time. You can find all the different Minted backpack designs here.


It’s hard to beat the simplicity of this gift. There are tons of options in any combination depending on where you want to shop, including (but not limited to) Etsy and Amazon.


What better way to celebrate their new status as a super big sibling than with a superhero cape?

New baby doll

Side-by-side play can be an easy way to help tamper the jealousy, and involve them in what’s keeping you so busy. And there are all kinds of accessories if you want to really round out the experience. As far as the dolls, there are tons of options in a variety of price ranges, so you have a lot of options when it comes to finding the perfect one.


If you’re in the market for sentimental gifts, there are tons of options that commemorate your expanding family and make your older kids feel special.


Books are such a great way to communicate messages we aren’t always capable of… ya know, because we’ve never done this before, and we’re exhausted beyond comprehension. Here are some of my favorites:

Personalized Sibling Books

For brothers or sisters

Big brother books

Big sister books

Activities to keep them busy

When it comes down to it, your older kiddos are going to have a lot more time on their hands once the new baby is here. Toys that keep them busy, feel special, and promote creative play can help you as much as they entertain them.

In our house, these toys are still used many years later:

Welcoming a new baby is a big change for everyone, but time (and maybe a gift or two) can help ease the transition.

Did you give your older kids a gift when they welcomed a new sibling?

Let us know what you did in the comments below!

Also check out: Supporting Your Older Kids After the Baby Arrives

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