A G-Rated Explanation of What Your Cervix Does During Labor
Labor + Delivery Vaginal Birth

A G-Rated Explanation of What Your Cervix Does During Labor

By Emily Ramirez

Labor can get messy.

If you, like me, are the kind of person who would rather clean out mystery, slime-filled Tupperware from the back of the fridge than watch anything childbirth-related, you may have skipped all of the videos detailing exactly what happens to your nether regions when a baby is making its entrance.

The only problem with this is, for some, visualizing what your body is doing can give you a greater sense of what you need to do to help make it happen.

Using a balloon and a Ping-Pong ball, this video brilliantly describes the difference between Braxton Hicks contractions, and the real deal ones that actually thin and dilate the cervix.

No blood, no gore, and a fair amount of suspense while you wait to see what the Ping-Pong ball does. I give it two thumbs up.

Related: Your Vagina is not a Crystal Ball

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