I’m very impressed when people get it together and send out baby announcements. I didn’t do it. Although, after seeing these great birth announcements I may do some up for my fake baby, Flick.
Brooke Schwab Photography
I love everything about this soft, lovey image including that yummy baby.

These are so sharp. Even if you don’t send them out and just hang one on the wall. I think I’m going to have some made up for my kids. I’ll tell them I had them done when the were born (cough).

I have no idea how you send these suckers out but I just thought they were so nifty.

I love this kind of thing – it’s like sunglasses on dogs for me – because this baby has no idea that he is a part of something so awesome.

You know how I love venn diagrams (even though I thought they were called ‘circle charts’ until one of you told me otherwise) so I thought this was a really neat concept. Plus, it’s from minted.com so you can look clever without having to come up this stuff and just drop in the photo and the deets.

This one makes me teary. I don’t know why but the little yawn just kills me. Such a great idea without being gross or cheesy (two of my least favourite things next to the smell of piss).

How brilliant is this idea? They come in a few colours and you can even have a poster made up.

This site gives you the instructions on how you can make this brilliant date-onesie. Or in my case, how you can send it to your mother and have her make this brilliant date-onesie.

Here’s another announcement that is already thought out and you just plug in the pictures and info. I love the custom look without the custom pain in the ass.

FPO – Lesley Guthrie & Arlo B. Guthrie
I don’t even have to see these parents to know that they are cooler than me. This is the grand daddy of baby announcements. The whole piece is based on a case file and it just blows my mind. Now before you say, “Oh, but they are graphic designers.” I’m a graphic designer and I sent out an email that said “He’s Here” for both boys. I suck. They rock.

When this little guy grows up it will be hard to say if he’ll be loving this announcement, or horrified by it. Right now, it’s entertaining the hell out of me.
So there you have it. Whether you send out hundreds or just do one, these are some pretty nice ways to announce the birth of your little buttertart.
Let me know if you come across anymore and I’ll add them!
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