You know what’s old and outdated? This idea that there’s a one size fits all best way to feed a baby.
If you've been a parent for more than 18 milliseconds, you know what I'm talking about. Best gets thrown around a lot, and can cause some serious feeding-induced guilt when what works for you doesn't fall under what's being deemed "best" by society, magazines, posters or the mouthy old lady on the street.
What’s best is feeding those babies, however it needs to happen, and sometimes how it needs to happen doesn’t match up with what we thought it would look like.
Photographer Felicia Saunders has captured just how beautifully diverse feeding can be, and the internet is here for it.
In the photo, three moms are just hanging out, dressed like the goddesses they are, feeding their babes however is best for them. Boom. One size DOESN’T fit all.

Oh this baby? Just gettin’ that nutrition like a boss. Do it, mama!

And this baby? Living its best life while filling that tiny tum. Get it, kid.

And this totes adorbs little cherub of a human? Eating and smiling and feeling the love.

While these don't even represent every option out there, it's so refreshing to see them all being highlighted. There's so much value in normalizing the different ways we feed our babies, both for new parents and parents who are carrying around guilt for experiences they had.
It's really about time we leave the distinction of what's "best" up to the parents and care providers of each individual baby, don't you think?
So take that, feeding-induced mom guilt. Feed the baby. Love the baby. Repeat.
Did you, or do you, feel guilt about how you fed your baby?
Let us know about your experience in the comments below!
Our next reco: Best Online Baby Photo Journals
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