Navigating Your Second Baby Registry
toddler listening to her mother's pregnant belly with second baby
Being Pregnant Registry Second Baby

Navigating Your Second Baby Registry

By Amy Morrison

You've navigated the waters of parenthood before with your first child, but preparing for baby #2 often feels like completely new territory. What are the must haves? What can I reuse and what do I have to replace? Is it tacky to have a baby registry for a second baby? (Hint: absolutely not).

I remember when I was prepping for my second son and I didn't think too much about it. I knew I was having another boy and they would be about two years apart so I didn't think I'd need a lot of stuff. Then I started going through everything. The swing I had was a hand-me-down that was on its last legs when I got it, I only had a single stroller, my older son had been born in February and my second son was due in June.

I was still able to use a large bulk of what I already had but there were a couple of spot where gear needed to be replaced or upgraded so the list of 'needs' was decent.

Should I have a registry for the second baby?

Definitely! Registries are a great way for friends and family to know what you're missing, plus, you can keep track of what you need, score welcome gifts, and take advantage of any completion discounts. I've done a full comparison of the top baby registries here so you can see which one has the best perks.

free second baby registry checklist surrounded by baby items

Second Baby Registry Checklist

Here's a step-by-step guide to prepping for your second baby registry.

1. Reassess Baby Items

One of the first steps in preparing for baby #2 is to evaluate and refresh your existing baby gear.

Some items are perfectly fine to reuse, but others may no longer meet current safety standards (head to the CPSC website to make sure nothing has had a recall) or some items simply need to be replaced due to wear and tear.  

Here’s a checklist of key items to inspect:

  • Crib and Crib Mattress: Check to make sure they are in good condition and meet safety standards.
  • Car Seats: Check for expiration dates and the straps and base condition. Consider getting an infant car seat that fits your stroller if your toddler is still in their seat.
  • Swings and Bouncer: Check to make sure they still work and meet safety standards.
  • High chair: If your older child is still using it, do a little math to see if they can be out of it (or in an alternative) by the time your second child will need it.
  • Bottles and Bottle Nipples: Check to ensure they are still in good condition.
  • Changing Table: Make sure both the table and changing pad are still good.
  • Storage: As this second kiddo comes along, determine if you need more storage (I'm referring to an extra dresser rather than a new house here).
  • Cloth Diapers: If you used cloth diapers the first time, ensure they are all fresh and ready to roll and replace any covers or inserts that look tired.
  • Clothing: Figure out what you can use from your first child especially if your kids are born in the same season and are the same gender (although I wouldn't care if my son wore a pink snowsuit.)

2. Replenish

There are some things that you can't get away with using again and need to be refreshed. Depending on the age of your older child, some of these things might be long gone.

  • Diapers and Wipes: Every baby poops, so you will always need these.
  • Diaper Cream: Depending on the age of your older child, you might not have this around anymore.
  • Pacifiers: Replace any tired or chewed soothers with fresh ones.
  • Toiletries: Things like shampoo, body wash, lotion, etc., usually need a fresh stock up.
  • Bibs and Burp Cloths: These tend to get dingy, but you still might have some good ones.
  • Teethers: Make sure any you already have are still good.
  • Breast Pump Parts: It's usually the parts that get tired, not the pump.
  • Nursing Gear: Breast pads and nursing bras often need a restock
  • Formula: Breast pads and nursing bras often need a restock

3. Add Some Registry Upgrades

With another kiddo on the way, mobility and multitasking will probably take on a larger role. Here are some items to consider that are designed to make things run smoother with two kids:

  • Hands-Free Baby Carrier: If you didn't have a great carrier for your first baby, now is the time to get one so you can keep your baby close while still attending to your older child.
  • Diaper Backpack: Lightweight and practical for outings. Once you have two, you might need something larger than your original diaper bag.
  • Stroller Accessories: Kickstands or ride boards can really help during family outings.
  • Double Strollers: Side-by-side or an extra seat if you have a stroller that converts to a double.
  • Hands-Free Breast Pump: Multitask like a pro while caring for two.
  • Big Kid Bed: If you are thinking about making a transition so you don't have to buy a new crib.
  • Dual-Camera Baby Monitor: Keep an eye on both children simultaneously.
  • Sound Machine: To drown out any older kid noise.

4. Register for Items Just for Baby #2

Sure, our first kids got all the mistakes (sorry, first pancake), but they also got all the shiny new gear just for them. Consider these special touches for this second kiddo's nursery and belongings:

  • Custom Nursery Themes: Create a space that reflects their individuality.
  • Sleepwear and Bedding: New fitted crib sheets and new pjs are sometimes all you need to refresh a theme.
  • Monthly Milestone Markers: Baby books, memory storage and milestone blankets are must-haves if you did them for your first child.
  • Personalized Keepsakes: It's nice to have one or two things, like a custom blanket or book, that are all theirs right from the get go.

5. Add Home and Parenting Support

Consider adding some services to your registry that can truly make a difference in your daily life, such as:

  • Postpartum Care: Support during those crucial early days.
  • Meal Delivery Services: Help reduce the stress of cooking.
  • Housecleaning or Laundry Assistance: Give yourself a break from the chores.
  • Dog Walking: Nothing like scooping poop with a screaming toddler and an infant.
  • Child Care: Bablylist has a great section called Help & Favors, and one of the coupons is babysitting.

6. Share the Registry

Even if you're just creating a registry to get the perks, like the welcome box or registry discount, it's worth sharing it with the people who might ask (or be asked) what you need. This is especially important if anyone is planning a “baby sprinkle” – a smaller gathering focused on celebrating your newest family member, too.

Second Baby Registry Summary

Preparing for baby #2 can feel like uncharted territory, but it's also an exciting opportunity to reassess your needs and make the most of what you already have because this ain't your first rodeo.

Assess what you have, replenish the essentials., add some upgrades that make life with two kids easier (including support from your village), get a few things that are just for this baby, and share your registry with anyone who asks.

Even though you've done this before, it's a whole new ride...and a heck of a lot of fun. Let me know what you'd add in the comments!

Free Checklist

I've put together a handy checklist to help you determine what you'll need and what you already have for your second baby. You can download it below, or I can email it to you directly.

Also check out: How to Prepare Your Toddler for a New Baby

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