Congratulations! You're expecting a baby and, if you're anything like me, you are like, "wtf do I need to do?".
There are tons of printables for what to get for a baby or what to pack in your hospital bag but there aren't many places that outline allll the stuff you need to do before you bring a baby home.

The Countdown to Baby Prep Kit is a series of checklists broken down into each task so you don't feel like you're drinking from a fire hose. You don't have to do it all – and you can definitely go nuts –but it will cover your bases and get you ready to welcome a new baby into your life. The kit is all lists and checklists – no journal, no filler, and no random graphics that use extra paper.
It's a 30 page letter sized (8.5" x 11") PDF file that you can pop in a binder or split with a partner.

The Countdown to Baby Prep Kit includes:
- Cover
- Intro
- Table of Contents
- Baby Prep Stage One
- Maternity Clothes Checklist
- Baby task list
- Baby Boy Names
- Baby Girl Names
- New Baby Checklist
- Borrowed item tracking list
- Hospital Bag Checklist
- Gift tracker
- Postpartum watch
- Postpartum planner
- Birth team questions list
- Baby Prep Stage Two
- Birth Preference Discussion
- Birth Preferences
- Baby Prep Stage three
- Nursery Layout
- Safe Sleep Space Checklist
- Baby Proofing Checklist
- Emergency info
- Call List
- Announcement
- Notes
Each checklist can be printed multiple times if you need more copies or not printed at all if it doesn't apply.
Includes an online page for recommendations on apps, baby registries, birth classes and free resources.

Is this baby prep kit right for you?
If you're big on checklists and not keen on wading through a bunch of filler, this kit will give you a holistic view to help you decide if and what rabbit holes you want to go down.
My goal was to be 'clean and concise' so you feel prepared but not overwhelmed. You can let me know how I did.
You can also find the kit on Etsy.
Visit the shop: Check out the rest of the shop for more goodies here
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