rental snoo sleeper in a nursery
New Baby Parenthood Sleep

Rent the $1,700 SNOO for Under $6 a Day

By Emily Ramirez

Hark! The sleep angels have apparently been listening because you can rent a SNOO for less than what you spend on your daily coffee habit.

Yep, for just $5.16 a day you can rent the très fancy and much coveted SNOO sleeper. Cue the (silent) trombones.

What's So Special About the SNOO?

The SNOO is a self-soothing bassinet that is as pretty as it is functional.

Designed by sleep guru Dr. Harvey Karp and designer Yves Béhar, this bassinet calms crying with age-appropriate levels of motion and sound, based off Karp’s 5 S’s. That’s right, this robo-rocker can shush, jiggle, and soothe your baby back to sleep all on its own, often in less than a minute.

Sounds dreamy, right? The only problem is up until now, the SNOO’s $1695 price tag has kept it out of reach for many families.

Enter the SNOO rental

Starting now, you can rent a SNOO for $5.16 a day, or about $160 a month.

This is still significant, but it’s waaaaaaaaay cheaper than a night nurse, or that non-refundable one-way ticket to Hawaii you rage-purchased after your 79th consecutive sleepless night.

parents looking at baby in a snoo bassinet

Should I rent a SNOO or buy one?

The SNOO can only be used for about 6 months (or up to 25 pounds). If you know you’re going to have more babies, it’s worth running the numbers. But if you just want to give the thing a spin (or more accurately, a womb-like sway) for a couple months, renting is a great option.

Renting is also an easy way to reduce your carbon footprint and save space in your house when you’re done using it. As soon as your kiddo has transitioned to their crib, you can cancel your rental and send the SNOO back.

The fine print

Each SNOO rental undergoes a thorough, 5-step deep clean, as well as comprehensive inspection to make sure everything is good to go, and comes with the bassinet, 3 specialized sleep sacks, a mattress cover, and a sheet.

One important tip – you’ll need to save the box and inserts that it’s shipped with so you can return it when the time comes.

All the details can be found here.

Our next recos: The Haggard Mother Sleep Training Method

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