Ah, the third trimester.

I remember the thought of giving birth terrified me at the beginning of my pregnancy, but by the third trimester, I didn't care how it happened; I just wanted this kid out of me.

I was tired, puffy, and oh so tired of being pregnant.

I'm not sure if the novelty of being peppered with questions about my pregnancy had worn off, or I was just grouchy because I couldn't get up from the couch without getting winded, but I was DONE.

I felt so bad when someone would kindly ask me about the nursery or wonder aloud if I would make it to my due date. It's not their fault it's the 700th time I've been asked. I was just so exhausted from everything and didn't want to answer any more questions.

Although, one guy from work asked me what I would do if my baby ended up being ugly. This twisted question surprised and delighted me on a level that even surprised me. (I do not recommend asking this. I'm weird, so it played out well, but not everyone has my flavor of funny.)

I figure it might be fun to play a little game in the flurry of all these questions you get in the final weeks of pregnancy. Let me stress this bingo card by saying that I don't find these questions or comments rude (well, some of them are), but they just became so frequent that it's hard not to keep track of them.

I’m pretty sure I would have had a full card by week 27, but who’s to say?

Be sure to leave the questions or comments you've encountered in the third trimester so I can update the card!

third trimester bingo card

If you want to print one off to stick on your door, download the PDF.

Our next reco: 8 Things I Wish Someone Would Have Told Me About Having A Baby

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