I wanted to find some inspirational parenting quotes that gave a little insight on the whole parenting journey – even though I think “Shit Happens” pretty much covers it.
That said, there’s some true wisdom to be gleaned from those who have gone before us. Some are inspirational, some are funny, and some are just plain truths. I'd like to note that I tried a little Googling to make sure I wasn't quoting horrific people, which took me down a rabbit hole of old-timey photos and biographies. I decided to abandon that and focus on the quotes themselves. Hey, a broken clock is right twice a day.
Hopefully, you’ll find something here that speaks to whatever kind of day you’re having.

For the record, I don't think we use the word 'buttress' enough.

Kinda cool but I'm still not sure if it counterbalances hemorrhoids.

This one got real deep, real fast but I love it.

It would be even nicer if they slept longer.

So corny but still true.

I find this quote especially helpful if you're worried about having enough love for a second baby.

A beautiful sentiment if you're writing a note or looking for a quote to use around a christening.

There's a great devil joke in here but I don't want to be a turd around this lovely sentiment.

I may or may not have cried over this one.

So true. Life goes a lot smoother if you're able to slow down to baby speed.

I think dogs could give them a run for their money.

A lovely reminder to anyone struggling with the toddler or teen years.

I also find people who offer up unsolicited parenting advice typically have had a full night of sleep.

Aw! You are my sunshine.

No pressure.

A lovely quote if you're congratulating a new parent.

I suppose this isn't always true, but I love the idea.

The future is bright.

I don't know why I felt like this quote was on the edge of being offensive – maybe a hint about being a mother is an identity – but I did truly feel a shift in who I was after I had kids.

You don't feel this one until the years pass.

They can be hell on earth too but that makes for a less charming quote.

Pace yourself.

I'm sure there is always one grump, but this is weirdly true.

Respecting your child's parent is a good idea on all sides.

I don't know if I find this quote inspiring or terrifying, but it's true.

If you are looking for something a little more profound.

Nothing like those baby belly laughs.

So sweet.

Contrasts all around.

I think there is a fine line between 'sacrifice' and 'martyrdom' but I get where this is coming from.

This took me a couple of reads but then I was all in.

I feel like there's more drama and crying.

I was a great parent until I had kids.

Such a nice thought.

I'm not going to get too deep on this one and just take the lovely sentiment at face value.

You said it, Ed.

Applies to every aspect of life, not just parenthood.

You know who you are!

Good lesson for life in general.

It's easy to criticize the game when you're sitting in the stands.

And self esteem ain't arrogance.

They are so very troubleful.

Just visit any parenting forum.

One small step.
What's a great parenting quote that inspires you?
I'd love to add more to the list!
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