Okay, I love Hallowe’en. So much so that I sometimes use the little apostrophe between the ‘e’s. If you’re looking for the perfect pregnancy Halloween costume, look no further.
I’ve found everything from costumes that hide your pregnancy all the way to rocking a third-trimester bump.
The Best Pregnancy Halloween Costume Ideas:

This one wouldn’t really work in colder places but if you live in a warmer climate, you’re probably hot anyway so this is a good excuse to let it all hang out. Welcome to Wonderland

Is it just me, or does the toddler add to this costume? Lochaven on Flickr

When I first saw this I actually thought she was holding a pumpkin. I thought “well, that would be heavy to carry around all the time.” Why, yes. Yes it is heavy to carry that around all the damn time. coolest-homemade-costumes.com

I think this one would rock even more if your better half had a bit of a gut and he sported the bare belly with you. coolest-homemade-costumes.com

I am beyond impressed with how cool this costume is.

Anything that depicts trailer trash in any way, shape or form, will always get a thumbs up from me. christyallbee.com

See last point. Just gold. Whirligig Bug

Okay, I know this woman isn’t pregnant but somebody on Facebook posted this as an idea and I thought it was great. Do the egg part then do a little belly cut-out for the yolk and add the horns for a devilled egg. Clev-ah!

I thought this was such a simple idea but very cool. Ni-Chem on Flickr

I loved the idea of tying your costume into your kid’s. How sweet are both these peanuts?! lilsugar.com

Okay, there were some costumes that were all axe murderer and they upset me because I’m all stupid and sensitive now that I have kids but, for some reason, I found this one awesome. You may not agree. coolest-homemade-costumes.com

This person isn’t pregnant (at least I don’t think so) but what a great little outfit. Non? coolest-homemade-costumes.com

Nothing, and I mean nothing, would be better than being 37 weeks pregnant and dressing up as Elvis in the Vegas-bring-a-gun-to-the-White-House-drug-years.

This is such a smart outfit and would be totally comfortable. pinterest

Always classic (like a dog with sunglasses on) and the funny never gets old for me. pregnancy.thefuntimesguide.com

I thought this was a great costume for when you’re pregnant and couldn’t believe I couldn’t find any examples online. Humph.

I hope this poor kid never discovers he’s used as an example in a pregnancy website but I thought this would be an excellent costume to wear if you weren’t ready to share the pregnancy news yet. It might be a little a hard to pee in although, I guess you’d just slide out of it to go. instructables.com

This is another great pregnancy disguise but this would also make a fantastic costume if you just wore all red and had the KoolAid face positioned over your belly. Plus, you could crash through walls and scream “oh yeah!!”

Another great pregnancy cover-up. I think she’s a little obvious with the “tissues” line though – I’d put “blow me”. homemadesimple.ca

I recognize that this is hardly practical but this guy’s See’s Box of Chocolates costume just blew my mind. He made this damn thing himself. You could make your belly the second one down from your face!! No? Okay, well you can’t say I didn’t try. makezine.com

Love, LOVE this idea of a Barbie pregnancy Halloween costume. coolest-homemade-costumes.com

I saw a few “bun in the oven” costumes but I thought this one was executed the best. You could also just dress up as a chef and put a “bun in the oven” label over your belly similar to the ladies in costumes 9 and 10. (credit needed)

Tiffany went as this fab sumo wrestler! She said, “I went as a Sumo Wrestler when I was pregnant in 2008. It was a big hit. I made the bottom out of black felt. And.. attach the nipples with something other than masking tape. One of mine fell off during the dance party. :)”

I think going as Charlie Brown and Snoopy is just brilliant.

Love this Mike Wazowski costume from Monsters Inc. One of her kids went as Sully, and the other as Boo. Too perfect.

Love the idea of adding these black velvet cutouts to an orange sweater for an office-appropriate pregnancy Halloween costume.

I would have never dreamed of dressing as a Hole In One for Halloween, but this is one kick ass costume!

See! I knew dressing up as Elvis would look awesome. Thanks for sending it, Laurel!

The bald cap and mustache topped off with the chest hair just makes this costume rock.

I suppose you could cheat this with a regular maternity top, but I really think this was well done with the stripes. If you know the source for it let me know because the link on Pinterest just leads to a worm hole in Narnina.

How adorable is this girl in her Angry Bird costume? Such a smart and simple idea. Although, there would always be a looming danger that someone would hurl you into a bunch of boxes screaming “Aiyaaaa” to take out green pigs.

Yes! Marge Gunderson from Fargo. Brilliant! There’s no way I could have handled the heat in this getup for an indoor party, but doing the rounds in the neighborhood with my little candy hounds? Perfect! “Ah, hon, ya got Arby’s all over me.”

This isn’t maternity but I thought it would make a perfect costume when you’re pregnant with a built in globe. Also, check out the whole post if you’re a Halloween fan because they’ve put together some really cool craft ideas.

So that is what you use those damn half-doll faces for! This would make for a cool pregnancy reveal Halloween costume too!

I am just so impressed with the ingenuity and effort that went into this costume. The most expensive part was actually the ball which you already have built in so there’s a win, but I’m not sure what the best way to attach the mirror to you. Maybe just a black maternity tee?

This gal gets a slow, standing clap from me. A headless horseman. Dang. I can’t tell how she’s allowed for vision (maybe she just buttoned up for the picture) but getting chips in my face would be essential no matter how cool the costume was.

Aye, the wee lass as a pot ‘o gold with her leprechaun. I can’t get over how beautifully executed both of their costumes are. Well done or “maith thú” as they say on the Emerald Isle!

Again, not a maternity costume, but what a great idea for dressing up (or hiding) a bump. It *might* be hard to pee in but if you didn’t wear underwear and just paused in the bushes you could bypass that small hurdle.

Both of these Death Star costumes warms my nerd heart. You could do this or simply goes dressed as Princess Leia in her slave bikini in Jabba the Hut’s Palace – depending on the statement you’re trying to make.
Pass along your great pregnancy Halloween costume!
Hopefully, you found some great ideas and if you have any others let me know and pass along your costume picks for a chance to be featured!
Happy Hallowe’en!!!
For even more ideas, check out Funny Halloween Costumes for Pregnant Couples and 18 Ways to Announce Your Pregnancy This Halloween
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