As a bonafide lover of all things spooky season, it seems like a waste not to use that baby bump as a prop for a killer costume. And finding a way to incorporate it into a couple's costume means you only have to use half the creative juices while you scheme and search for the perfect look.
Many of these funny maternity Halloween costumes are ones you can pull together at the last minute, which is also a huge plus.
Here are some of the funniest, best pregnant Halloween costumes for couples.

Violet Beauregarde and Willy Wonka
Whether you full-on blue yourself (where are my Arrested Development fans at?!) or you opt for a blue tracksuit and a wad of gum, this Violet Beauregarde and Willy Wonka is pretty hard to beat in the memorable pregnancy Halloween costumes category.

Turning your belly into the beloved volleyball, Wilson is both an ode to a pretty great movie and a chance to have your partner try out a really aggressive hair/beard combo for a night. You never know what might come of that, so proceed with caution.

Juno and Paulie
While this costume idea may be done with some frequency, it’s a go-to costume for pregnant women for all the reasons that count: comfort, ease of pulling together, and getting to see their partner’s legs in short shorts all night.

Bun in the Oven and Baker
This is a classic because it combines two things people love: bread and puns. Use this as an announcement at a party or just as a clever costume for the big night. It does look fairly hard to pee in (yes, we're going there), but sometimes big sacrifices are worth it.

Jar of Preggo Spaghetti Sauce
This is another one that you've probably seen before, but it's family-friendly, cute, and easy. Also: you can walk around with a bowl of noodles which isn't the worst thing when you are hungry 23 hours out of the day.

Bump Ahead Construction Workers
Easy to pull together, can involve the whole family, and great visibility for trick-or-treating after dark. That's one helluva combination.

Disco Ball and Dancer
Light up the night with your beacon of a belly. With your bump playing the part of the disco ball, you get to stand in one place and watch the party revolve around you.

Magic Eight Ball
Easy, funny, and absolutely guaranteed to lead to people touching your belly while they ask borderline inappropriate questions... which might be a good thing or a bad thing depending on how badly you wanted to know about your neighbor's gout.

Gumball Machine and Quarter
This one is another classic pregnant Halloween costume, and although it isn't the easiest one to pull off, the sheer impressiveness will outweigh any pity votes people send your way in the office Halloween Costume Competition.

Bob Ross and Pretty Little Tree
The real star of the show here is your partner, so this is a great one for anyone looking to hide behind some foliage and call it a day.

Avocado and Taco or Toast
This is another one that some might feel is overdone, but if we’re going to get harangued about our affinity for avocados being the reason we can’t afford a house, we might as well make a joke out of it… before we go home and cry into our off-label Cheerios. You can DIY this puppy so the avocado pit is your belly, or just get it from a store and keep your stomach under wraps.

Kool-Aid Man and Wall
This one couldn’t be easier since you pretty much just need a red shirt, a cardboard box or poster board, and either felt or a marker to make the face. Perfect for a last-minute pregnancy Halloween costume idea.

Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin
The good thing about dressing like a bear is there is a broad range of acceptable outfits. Whether you’re drawing your inspiration from a cutesy Pinterest look or Fat Bear Week, there’s no wrong way to dress like our beloved Pooh.

Pokemon Characters
It doesn’t take much to pull this look off, especially if you’re handy with face paint. And as Pikachu once so insightfully pointed out, “Every step for you is one thousand for me and my lungs are the size of grapes” which is OBVIOUSLY a secret nod to pregnancy.

Kangaroo and Joey
This is another one that doesn’t require much and can pretty much be pulled together with stuff you have lying around. Don’t have a kangaroo stuffie? Koalas, possums, wallabies, and numbats (my favorite new kid-friendly insult) could also work.

Monsters Inc.
Great for 1st trimester, haven't told anyone, too sick/tired/etc. to do anything elaborate, need to wear leggings and oversized tees because nothing fits anymore.

Ice Ice Baby Pun
Honestly, the most expensive thing about this is probably the bottle of vanilla, which most of us already have in our cabinets. A couple of trash bags, some blue balloons, and a baby doll, and this DIY costume is good to go. It's also a great costume if you're trying to hide a pregnancy.

Charlie Brown and the Great Pumpkin
You can take the extra work and turn an orange shirt into a jack-o-lantern, or leave it as is and call yourself the Great Pumpkin. Either way, you’re going home with more than a rock. No promises for your Charlie Brown, though.

Addams Family
This one is definitely one of the most involved on this list, but for lovers of the Addams Family, it’s a solid choice. The hand! The three-legged onesie! The slick-backed hair. It’s too good.

Thing 1 & 2 and the Cat in the Hat
This one would be phenomenal for someone expecting twins, but also works for singleton pregnancies. Your partner could just as easily be Thing 2, but if they're excited about a goofy hat and an oversized bowtie, let them have their moment.

Skeleton Family
This one really runs the gamut from simple onesie or t-shirt to more complex with some seriously creative makeup, which is probably why it’s one of the most popular Halloween costume ideas. Is it funny? That sort of depends on what you decide to include in your skeleton, but there are some silly options out there that include things like burgers and candy kicking around in your partner’s belly.

Momster and Dadcula
If you’re looking for the simplest possible costume that will allow you easy access for the 489 bathroom breaks you’re going to take during the 2 hours of Halloween fun, look no further than a fun sweatshirt. You can find it here on Etsy.
There are tons of options for funny and easy Halloween costumes for pregnant couples
This is just a smattering of the brilliant ideas people are coming up with, but hopefully these inspire you to pull something together that checks all the boxes. No matter what, nobody's going to judge you for phoning it in this year while you do the spookiest thing of all and build a whole ass human out of goo.
Have you pulled off an epic maternity Halloween couples costume? Let us know what you went as in the comments below.
Also check out: The Best Pregnancy Halloween Costume Ideas
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