Breastfeeding and traveling for work? There are all kinds of adjectives one may choose to use to describe that particular level of hell. Confusing. Annoying. Difficult. A goddamn milky nightmare at 20,000 feet.
But one thing you won’t hear someone say is that carting around a bunch of human milk while traveling for work (and crushing the shit out of that glass ceiling, BTW) is that it is easy. No way.
Between stressing about stockpiling breast milk prior to your departure, to deciding what to do with your milk once you’re away from your baby, planning out the logistics can be a major headache.
So what’s a jet-setting, milk-making mama to do?
Milk Stork!
Milk Stork knows the struggle and has figured out a way to take as much of the stress out of traveling while pumping as possible. No more pumping and dumping, or rolling the dice with a snippy TSA agent who may toss out all your hard work because they are hangry, rude, uneducated, hung over doing their job, and you didn’t pack things quite right.
This unique service allows you to choose between checking/carrying on your pumped milk in a TSA-approved cooler or shipping it via FedEx overnight.
Here’s how it works:
- Milk Stork sends everything you need (sadly, besides wine) to your hotel prior to your arrival. Each order contains a special, super fancy cooler, bags, and, if you opted for the Pump and Ship option, a prepaid and addressed FedEx overnight shipping label. If instead you opted for the Pump & Tote, it comes with a tote (tote-ally didn’t see that one coming, did ya?).
- You pump from the privacy of your hotel room (or that oh-so-dreamy lactation room/supply closet you get to enjoy between meetings), and then pack it up, following the simple instructions.
- Once your cooler is full and ready to roll, you activate the cooling feature (evaporative cooling, FTW!), and either ship it, or carry it on.
- Each cooler promises between 60 and 72 hours of refrigeration, and vary with the service you opted for (carry on vs shipping).
It should be noted that Lansinoh bags are included in the package, and fit the cooler best, but the site also states Nuk and Up & Up will work if you’d rather. They caution against Medela and Kiinde bags, because they decrease the overall amount of milk you can safely fit.

There are different options, depending on how much milk floweth from your bosom, and how long you’ll be gone:
- The small cooler carries 34oz of properly packed milk, or approximately 1 day’s supply.
- The larger cooler carries 72oz of properly packed milk, or approximately 2 day’s supply.
The service will cost you between $79 and $159, per order, which is admittedly limiting for some. For others, it may be worth looking into to see if you can get it covered as a travel expense.
While Milk Stork can’t help you pump your milk, having someone who knows exactly how to get it from Point A to Point Baby certainly helps to reduce a portion of the stress one feels when traveling without their wee one.

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