The average newborn baby can see objects around them about as well as you can see into the future, which is to say they really can’t see much. Unless you’re right up in their grill, your beautiful face is just a big old blur.
So what does a newborn see?
In a healthy newborn eye, all the pieces and parts are there, but the connections haven’t yet been fully made. But worry not, my fuzzy faced friend, that all changes super fast over the course of a year as the brain develops.
Shout out to whoever created this GIF so we parents can experience what vision is like for a newborn through a 12 month-old baby.

Newborn vision is pretty limited.
Because I gave birth in the Stone Ages of 2013, understanding exactly what my kiddos were (or weren’t) seeing was kind of a guess. Of course, any of us can read the parameters behind newborn vision, but experiencing it is something totally different.
Now I know why my kid always acted like she was being abducted by aliens until I shoved my face in her face, successfully convincing her of my earthly origins.
If you take anything away from this, it’s that you have a full year until after that baby is born to decorate the far side of the nursery. You’re welcome.
Our next reco: How to Build a Human: Cool Embryogenesis GIF

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