Business is booming when it comes to finding random things to stick up your hoo-ha. Speakers. Cups. $500 Jade eggs. The usual suspects that, ya know, buzz and wiggle. New to the game (and least likely to anger a Karen), a video game controller designed to strengthen your pelvic floor.
Yes, you read that right: you can now play a video game with your vagina.
This latest addition to the world of cooch accouterments (acoochterments?) isn’t just for fun. Thanks to the French company, Perifit, and an army of Women’s Health professionals, video vixens can now tone their love tunnels with the help of their iOS devices, and a snazzy looking silicone wand.

Rehabbing your pelvic floor, one level at a time
The wand has two sensors on it that you control by squeezing with different sets of muscles. Progress is tracked, and the games change depending on how effectively you’re doin’ yo thang. The wand is washable, and per the site, comes with a battery designed to last 5 years if used 3 times a week for 10 minutes apiece.
Okay, but why?
It should come as no surprise that pregnancy and childbirth can wreak havoc on your pelvic floor, but aside from Kegels many women aren’t given a whole lot of options for how to prevent, or rehab from an injury sustained during labor. Worse, there isn’t a ton of discussion (besides jokes) about how leaking urine – even small amounts – can be indicative of some form of pelvic floor dysfunction.
Perifit addresses more than just pelvic floor weakness
This product is nifty not only because gives women the tools to address their pelvic floor issues, it also opens up the dialog regarding pelvic floor weakness. There’s something really refreshing about seeing products like this go mainstream (here’s looking at you, Instagram ads!) because it helps women know they aren’t alone, and they have a tool to help solve their problem. As a bonus, it doesn’t even require you to leave the house. Winning!
So there you have it. Vagina video games are a thing. Check out their site if you want to know more!
Have you used the Perifit (or something similar) to strengthen your pelvic floor?
Let us know what your experience was like in the comments (if you’re comfortable sharing, that is.)
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