One Movie that You Need to Watch if You're Having a Baby
Prepping Being Pregnant

One Movie that You Need to Watch if You're Having a Baby

By Amy Morrison

This movie should come with every positive pregnancy test.

It’s a documentary called, Babies, that follows the first year of four babies living in San Francisco, Tokyo, Mongolia, and Namibia.

The film essentially reassures you that no matter what kind of environment a baby grows up in – whether they go to music class in San Francisco or suck on a rock in Africa – all a child needs is food, shelter, and love.

The babies are frickin’ adorable in this film and the parents aren’t creepy or weird so it’s easy to watch.

My favorite part was the dad in Mongolia taking his wife and newborn son home on the back of his motorcycle. No car seat, no helmet, no worries – awesome (don’t do that shit by the way unless living in Mongolia).

The film did a really good job of not making the family from San Francisco look like idiots either – this film could have easily turned into a “Western culture is ridiculous” theme.

All in all, Babies is a great movie to help you keep your perspective when you have a newborn. Now you can take that deep breath and say, “Right now there is a rooster watching a baby in Mongolia pee freely on a cot that will reach the same milestones as my child whether we go to Kindergym today or not. I’m tired. Let’s have a nap instead.”


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