Stylish Paperclip diaper bag with a checklist of essentials. Can be worn as a backpack, crossbody, the best for mom OR dad.
Care New Baby Gear

What to Pack in Your Diaper Bag

By Jessica Solloway
Thank you to Paperclip for sponsoring this post, however, all the opinions, suggestions and observations are my own. This post may contain affiliate links.
Stylish Paperclip diaper bag with a checklist of essentials. Can be worn as a backpack, crossbody, the best for mom OR dad.

New parents deserve a medal for getting out of the house with an infant and All.Of.The.Things. When “baby brain” makes it hard to remember your own name, consider a diaper bag your toolkit (or trusty sidekick) for tackling any situation that arises. And there’s usually a situation that arises… babies have a knack for keeping us on our toes.

Paperclip sent us their new bag and we’re really impressed with how it makes sleep deprived parents feel like we actually have our act together. It’s an awesome do-it-all bag for men and women (so you can buy one diaper bag to share and call it a day). The Willow could totally pass for a sleek messenger bag or backpack.

Stylish Paperclip diaper bag with a checklist of essentials. Can be worn as a backpack, crossbody, the best for mom OR dad.

It’s sturdy and versatile with compartments to avoid “black hole bag” syndrome, ie: when your baby has a massive blowout and all you can get to is your lipgloss and an old post-it. Paperclip bags have two ways to access the goods—through the top or the front panel – so everything you need is in arm’s reach making any outing infinitely easier.

Stylish Paperclip diaper bag with a checklist of essentials. Can be worn as a backpack, crossbody, the best for mom OR dad.

How We Packed Our Diaper Bag:

It’s tempting to cram in everything your baby owns for a quick trip the grocery store. But we asked our readers how they packed their diaper bags to spare your back (and your sanity) and narrowed it down to this list:

Stylish Paperclip diaper bag with a checklist of essentials. Can be worn as a backpack, crossbody, the best for mom OR dad.
  • Diapers: Duh… but you’d be surprised how easy it is to leave the house without them! Make sure there are always 3-4 in your bag. Newborns are prone to pooping immediately after you’ve changed them.
  • Wipes: Save space by putting a stack in a small, portable wipe case.
  • Changing Pad: Most diaper bags come with a changing pad. Paperclip takes it up a notch with their self-contained, built-in pad. Just unroll it and get down to business. It’s antimicrobial, repels water, is detachable and machine washable. Another cool feature: there are sidewalls that add a bit of privacy and keep baby from rolling.
  • Diaper Cream: Not necessarily an ongoing essential but good to have on hand if you’re trying to keep a rash at bay.
  • Plastic bags: Whether you toss in a couple of Ziplocs or use a dispenser (Munchkin has a great clip-on one that holds 24 bags), extra baggies always come in handy when you need to contain a dirty diaper or dirty clothes.
  • An extra outfit: Babies are guaranteed to have an epic pooslosion if you don’t pack an extra full outfit.
  • Hand Sanitizer: Things can get messy. And sometimes you’re in a parking lot and soap isn’t in the cards.
  • Burp cloth: Spit-up, drool, milk spills… there’s always something going on that needs to be wiped up.
  • Bottle/Formula + Water/Breastmilk: If you’re bottle feeding, one extra feeding seems to be the rule of thumb just in case you’re longer than expected or if there is a spilling incident. “Noooooo! #@!#”
  • Breast pads: If you are breastfeeding, nursing pads are handy to have if your boobs decide to kick it into overdrive. They also make great coasters. 😉
  • Toys and teethers: Newborns don’t even know they have hands, so entertainment doesn’t have to be high on your list.
  • Blanket: Keep a light swaddle blanket on hand (roll it up to save space) and use it as an impromptu car seat sunshade, playmat, or nursing cover.
  • Stuff for you: Consider it a win if you remember to put pants on before leaving the house. We know there’s not much time to think about yourself these days, but you still have to eat. Water bottle, snacks, gum, etc. are nice to have on hand. And of course, don’t forget your keys, wallet, and phone. A few readers pack an extra lightweight t-shirt for surprise barfs and blowouts (that may or may not be baby related.)
Stylish Paperclip diaper bag with a checklist of essentials. Can be worn as a backpack, crossbody, the best for mom OR dad.

Bottom line

A diaper bag is one of the best ways to create much-needed order in the hectic world of parenthood. Once you find your groove, you’ll have your diaper bag staples down to a science, but this list gives you an idea of where to start. Carry on!

If you are looking to buy a Paperclip diaper bag, check out Paperclip and Amazon.

Our next reco: Best Gender Neutral Diaper Bags

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