Your baby is a whopping 12 ounces (or 340 grams) and is about 10 and a half inches long (26 cm) which is about the size of the world’s largest gummy bear, although, it’s a lot heavier at 5 pounds – I still like the reference better than a banana.
You’re probably familiar with what kicking feels like now and may wonder what all the partying is about in there. That kid has a good amount of room and some legs, so he or she tends to take ‘em out for a spin quite a bit. If they are high kicking your vital organs, try to shift them around by either manually moving them with your hands on your belly, or shifting around yourself to get the karate kid in a better position.
As for you, well, you may still be in that golden age of pregnancy when you aren’t too pukey and you aren’t too big. You’re the size that all the maternity stores feature in their ads to show how cute pregnant women are – you aren’t puffy and hunched over a toilet, and you aren’t winded and hot like a mall Santa.
That said, you may feel like shit and for that I am sorry. Some people have a fantastic pregnancy and will never feel or look better, whereas others have a miserable, greasy, gassy paraded-float experience. Just keep in mind that, good or bad, nothing lasts forever, so either enjoy it or hang in there. This too shall pass.
21 Weeks Pregnant Cheat Sheet:
- Your baby is practicing swallowing and digesting and even has developed taste buds.
- The gymnastics floor routines are in full swing day and night (sorry)
- Some medical practitioners now start measuring legs and feet (instead of head to rump) so your baby is around 10 and a half inches long (26 cm) and weighs about 12 ounces (340 grams).
- You have around 133 days before you give birth.
How many months is 21 weeks pregnant?
Twenty-one weeks is just over five months pregnant.
This week's to do:
Learn about kick counts. There is some debate on whether these are worth doing, but here is what kick counts are and why some medical practitioners want you to keep track of them.
Bump support. Aches and pains often accompany a growing belly. There are a number of support garments that help carry the heavy load (Belly Bandit makes good ones) so don't suffer in silence.
How are you feeling this week? Let me know here.

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