Did you know that September is the most popular month to be born? If you find yourself surrounded by a lot of detail-oriented problem solvers who are empathetic and compassionate, it’s probably due to the large number of Virgos and Libras out there in the world! Not only are there a lot of September babies being born, they also tend to stick around for a long time, since they have a good chance of living to the hundred year mark, according to one study!
Zodiac Signs:
August 23 - September 22
Virgos are renowned for being perfectionistic, organized, problem-solvers, intelligent, introverted, and detail-oriented.
September 23-October 22
If you’ve got a Libra in your life, you’ll know they’re compassionate, empathetic, helpful, balanced, generous, and peacemaking.

Birth Stone:
Although a deep blue gem is probably the first thing that comes to mind when you think about sapphires, this versatile stone can actually come in a whole rainbow of colors (except red). Some people believe that sapphires can protect their wearer from physical harm, bad intentions and envy, and they’ve also been rumored to have medicinal properties. Sounds like a good reason to wear one no matter what your birth month is!

Birth Flower:
The Aster is a low-maintenance flower that continues to bloom in the early days of fall when the weather starts to get cool. It’s a symbol of love, wisdom, innocence and faith. Morning Glories get their name from the way their blooms open up to greet the morning sun and close later in the day. These go-getter flowers are a lot like the ambitious individuals they represent! They’re also a simple symbol of affection.
September Baby Milestones:
Start smiling: Most likely between November and December (6-12 weeks)
Start laughing: Probably by around January (4 months)
Start crawling: Probably between April and July (7-10 months)
Start walking: Likely by June to December of next year (9-15 months)
Fun Facts:
Here are a few fun facts about babies born in September. Do you think they ring true?
In Good Company
September is the most common month to be born. If we do a little backwards math here, it definitely makes sense that a lot of folks might be looking for creative ways to warm up and pass the time during the cold, dark days of winter 9 months earlier.
Smarty Pants
Studies suggest that because of enrollment cut-off dates, September babies tend to be the oldest kids in their class, making them more mature and ready for learning than their peers. This also has been known to give them a boost in sports. (source)
A Future Centurion
September babies are more likely to live to see 100. In a study of over 1500 centurions done by the University of Chicago, most were found to have a birthday between September and November. This could be because babies born in the fall are less likely to suffer from seasonal infections early in life.
Famous Folks Born In September:
September 2, 1964 - Keanu Reeves
September 4, 1981 - Beyonce Knowles
September 8, 1941 - Bernie Sanders
September 15, 1890 - Agatha Christie
September 15, 1984 - Prince Harry
September 16, 1971 - Amy Poehler
September 19, 1974 - Jimmy Fallon
September 21, 1947 - Stephen King
September 21, 1950 - Bill Murray
September 25, 1983 - Donald Glover
National September Days:
September 1 - Random Acts of Kindness Day
September 4 - Lazy Mom’s Day
September 5 - Cheese Pizza Day
September 8 - Grandparent’s Day
September 16 - Step Family Day
September 19 - Talk Like A Pirate Day
September 20 - Wife Appreciation Day
September 22 - Hobbit Day
September 28 - Family Day
September 29 - International Coffee Day
Do you know a lot of folks born in the month of September?
Were they introverted and perfectionistic Virgos, or empathetic and generous Libras? Do you know any 100 year olds born in the early fall? We want to hear your thoughts in the comments!
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