blue seats on an airplane
Encouragement New Baby Stories

“To the man in 2-D” – Random Act of Kindness Goes Viral

By Emily Ramirez

On a scale of one to ten, I’d say flying solo with a young baby is a solid fifteen on the old stress-o-meter.

There’s the stress of wondering what to pack. There’s worrying about the what-ifs. There’s the circus of trying to time diaper changes, feedings, and the all-important nap correctly. And don’t even get me started on the horror stories random people like to share before telling you, “I’m sure you’ll be FINE, Sweetie.” So stressful!

But it’s not all bad out there.

Mom Kelsey Zwick recently took to Facebook to share her story of a random act of kindness that took place on her flight from Orlando to Philly.

Kelsey Zwick and her baby

She starts by describing a situation so many of us know all too well – carrying too much stuff, getting settled in your (tiny) seat, and immediately needing to make nice with the neighbors as your baby practices their yodeling.

“I was pushing a stroller, had a diaper bag on my arm and also lugging an oxygen machine for my daughter. We had smiles on our faces as we were headed to see her “friends” at CHOP (Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia). We pre-boarded the plane, got cozy in our window seat and made jokes to those around us about having to sit by my yelling-but-happy baby.”

Kelsey goes on to explain that after pre-boarding, a flight attendant informed her someone in first class had offered up his seat.

“Not able to hold back tears, I cried my way up the aisle while my daughter Lucy laughed! She felt it in her bones too… real, pure, goodness. I smiled and thanked you as we switched but didn’t get to thank you properly.”

In an attempt to fully express her gratitude, Kelsey has asked her post be shared with her heartfelt words of thanks.

“…thank you. Not just for the seat itself but for noticing. For seeing us and realizing that maybe things are not always easy. For deciding you wanted to show a random act of kindness to US. It reminded me how much good there is in this world.”

Her story has since gone viral, with 584K shares and counting.

It’s easy to forget just how powerful simple acts of kindness really are. This story is a beautiful reminder that goodness really is all around.

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