It’s a scientifically unproven fact that there is nothing more squeal-inducing than baby Halloween costumes. We asked our readers to share their favorite kiddo costume picks and dang, did they deliver. This roundup of some of the cutest, funniest, and just plain best baby Halloween costumes will have you counting down the days till October 31st.
Click the links below to jump to each section:
• DIY Hand Made Costumes
• Sibling Halloween costumes
• Carrier or Wagon Halloween Costumes
• Family Costumes
• Store Bought Baby Halloween Costumes
DIY Hand Made Costumes

Fluffy little chickens are everywhere! We love the feathers on this homemade costume. Credit: @bringingupbabe

Simple and effective. Look at that cute little squish! Credit: Courtney Irwin

These Cabbage Patch Kid costumes were so cute, we couldn’t choose just one. Credit: @bringingupbabe

Can you believe this is an actual REAL baby? Credit: @sara.marsher

This may be the first and only time a ventriloquist’s dummy hasn’t totally freaked me out. Credit: Content in a Cottage

As long as you don’t accidentally leave your kid in somebody’s flower bed, this costume is perfect. Credit: Little Bean Art

Quick costume idea! Throw on a red shawl, grab a cute little basket for candy, and you’ve got yourself an adorable Little Red Riding Hood. Credit: Dana Mueller

This girl has the crazy cat lady look DOWN. Credit: Lena Merchant

When this costume shows up at your door, you’d better hope you’ve got some Werther’s Originals on hand. Credit: Alaina Shadlock

This is 100% what Prince looked like when he was a baby. I’ve seen the photos. Credit: @daynamax

If your kiddo is in love with his soother, why not incorporate it into the perfect scuba suit costume?! Credit: @ashleyfranc2

It’s a me – Mario! From the costumes to the props, this little dude’s costume is totally worthy of a Super Star. Credit: Kayla Teel
You can also find more in the post Hysterical DIY Newborn Halloween Costumes
Sibling Halloween costumes
(Yes, pets count)

Well blow me down, this Popeye and Olive Oyl pair is too stinkin’ sweet. Credit: @datgrltrish

Fingers crossed that taking baby twins trick-or-treating means twice the candy for you. Credit: The Climb

Okay, when it comes to this costume, WE ARE NOT WORTHY! Credit: @laurenluskwillis

Seriously, I have no words. This Ferris Bueller’s Day Off getup is ICONIC. Credit: @laurenluskwillis

As if these two weren’t already cute enough to want to gobble up. Credit: Courtney Irwin

The giant lobster pot is perfect for carrying babies and candy. Winning! Credit: @kkenbeek

Anyone who can coordinate their pets into their costume automatically wins Halloween. Credit: Tanis Koroluk

Okay, I actually can’t stop smiling after seeing these three little piggies. Credit: Tanis Koroluk

No doubt these two are on the hunt for more Halloween treats. Credit: @kaydunny

You can actually see the delight on this dog’s face at having a Halloween costume twin. Credit: @thisismomjeans

Who can resist an adorable homage to Disney’s Up? Credit: Dani O’Reilly
Carrier or Wagon Halloween Costumes
Whether you’re using wagons, strollers, or carriers, parents have found some fun ways to incorporate transportation into their kids’ Halloween costumes.

File this costume under ‘E’ for epic. That is all. Credit: @sarahlea13/

Betcha didn’t expect to see the Pope roll up to your house on Halloween, did you?! Credit: @heathersuebell

To the person who created this incredible fighter jet costume: would you consider adopting me? Credit: @snosara

Anyone wanna place a bet on how long Lieutenant Dan kept that wig on before losing his shit? Credit: @theaspiringsomething

This costume is perfect for baby sharks, mama sharks, daddy sharks, and all the do do dos in between. Credit: @mrs.redmon

Peekaboo! I spy a baby chick just waiting for some M&Ms to drop into her shell. @melissalynn303

I CAN’T with this costume. Garbage mom and baby Oscar? TAKE MY CANDY. Credit: Haile Wellauer

The only problem with this costume is that I’d probably find myself snacking on that popcorn from the baby’s head. Credit: This Place Is Now a Home

Hot parenting tip: Babies are never too little to go Trick Or Treating, but they are too young to eat the candy that they get. Find a carrier and come up with something simple and sweet, like this ladybug on a flower costume, get your butt out there and get those treats! Credit: @adorabirthandwellness

I shall call him Squishy, and he shall be mine. Credit: @jociiiiiiiii

This space themed carrier costume is outta this world. Credit: Pinterest

Find me a more perfect costume than one that keeps your children contained in a cage. I’ll wait. Credit: Krista Seefeld

Find me a more perfect costume than one that keeps your children contained in a cage. I’ll wait. Credit: Christina Winship
Find even more ideas in 16 Wagon Halloween Costume Ideas
Family Costumes

This sweet little duo is so cute, you’d almost be willing to give them the same midnight curfew as Cinderella. Let’s be honest, most babies are partying at that time, anyway. Credit: @janieaugsburger

Hunting for an adorable sibling costume idea? WHO YA GONNA CALL? These two. Hands down. Credit: Rachel Staffeldt McCartin

Gimme more of this sweet little matador. Credit: @janelle_lucero

I wish they had made the heart of Tafiti. LOL Credit: u/NoelaniSpell6

This crew is set to put on the greatest Halloween show, man. Credit: @kirbensey

Bonus points if they were singing “You remind me of the babe!” instead of “Trick or treat!” Credit: Christine Sedam

This shark attack costume is actually a metaphor for parenthood. Credit: Chelsea Haddaway Williams

These two lil’ Dalmatians are so cute I’m seeing spots. Credit: @chshea

Fred’s giant club is perfect for fending off your children when you’re trying to sneak some of their candy. Credit: @gtmorris

Can you believe this perfect Cinderella gown used to be a wedding dress?! This kiddo has incredible costumes in her future for sure. Credit: @hayyvette

In a pinch for a perfect costume? Find some black face paint for a button nose, grab some ears, and you’re good to go! We love the simplicity and effectiveness of this mom and baby getup. Credit: @liannaariel

Take advantage of a plain-colored baby onesie, add some ears and a tail and voila! You’ve got the perfect Ratatouille costume. Credit: @marmelod23

We can’t ever resist a chicken costume and this one absolutely stole our hearts because there are TWO OF THEM. Credit: @_kimberlyjoan_

The best thing about these Lego costumes is you won’t scream in agony when you step on one in the middle of the night. Credit: @abifaith18

Not gonna lie, I was definitely trying to figure out how long she could get around in those flippers before realizing they were foam cutouts that fit over her shoes. This is perfection. Credit: @janelle_lucero
Also check out Family Halloween Costume Ideas with a Baby
Store Bought Baby Halloween Costumes
There are some incredible costumes that you can find for babies and toddlers. Here are some of the stores and sites where it's a safe bet you'll find amazing outfits.
Potterybarn Kids
They always have gorgeous costumes for babies and toddlers. Shop here.

Gorgeous costumes that often go on sale before Halloween. (They sell out quickly so snap 'em up if you want one.) Shop here.

Target has great costumes including pets and full family costumes. Shop here.

Do you have an awesome baby costume of your own to share?
Are you dying to see what adorable little monsters show up on your doorstep on Halloween? We want ALLLLLL the costume ideas in the comments!
Also check out: The Best Pregnancy Halloween Costume Ideas
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