Guess who’s about the size of a Barbie doll? Hint: it isn’t you.

Yep, your baby is about the length of a Barbie but it weighs about a pound and doesn’t have unachievable body proportions. Although, your baby does have real eyebrows and eyelashes now, which is more than we can say for Barbie.

We’re going to take care of some gross issues today: vaginal discharge and belly buttons. I know, exciting.

First up, vaginal discharge. I believe scientists thought long and hard to come up with the most disgusting sounding name for the milky white vaginal discharge that often comes along with pregnancy, and I think they did it with the term “leukorrhea.” I believe it is supposed to combine the Greek terms for “light” and “flow”, but to me, it just sounds like the noise a cat makes before throwing up, morphed with the word diarrhea. I doubt if they’ll change medical textbooks just because I think something sounds gross, so I’ll just press on.

You don’t have to worry about it, no matter how gross it sounds, and you have the extra estrogen in your body to thank for stimulating all the mucous membranes in your body.

Stay away from douches and vaginal wipes because it can throw off your PH balance and that can unleash a whole lot of nasty. Your vagina is a self cleaning oven and doesn't need the help.

As for your belly button, has it popped? This happens to some and not to others. Some people don’t care, and others are driven nuts by it. It’s no surprise that it’s caused by your uterus pushing forward, but take comfort in knowing that it will go back to normal after you deliver. If you aren’t looking to own this look, some suggestions are belly bands, high maternity pants (so the band covers the button), band aids or duct tape (duct tape sounded painful to me but I’m listing it because it came up quite a bit).

22 Weeks Pregnant Cheat Sheet:

  • Your baby has visible hair and eyebrows
  • Grabbing is a new skill as your baby hones their nervous system.
  • Your baby is about 11 inches long (28 cm) long from crown to rump and weighs about 15 ounces (450 grams).
  • You have around 126 days before you give birth.

How many months is 22 weeks pregnant?

Twenty-two weeks is five and a half months pregnant.

This week's to do:

Grandparent handles. If you're searching for the perfect names check out The Ultimate List of 500+ Names for Grandparents. There are some very creative and unique ideas in there!

Pack a hospital bag. This doesn't have to be major but it's good to have a go-bag ready around now (similar to a zombie apocalypse). Here is The Ultimate Hospital Bag Packing Checklist but even if you just keep all your insurance stuff, a toothbrush, a pair of slides, and a long phone charger in one spot, you should be fine.

How are you feeling this week? Let me know here.

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